Download IQ Option PC Windows, Mac, Android and iOS
Trader requires staying up to date with the latest news. Time is precious. Depending upon the configuration of the app, you can trade a variety of instruments, including Binary, Digital options, Forex and Stocks. To trade in the most convenient manner for you, download the IQ Option app.
If your device doesn’t support the app, you still have the option to visit the IQ Option website and trade with your favorite browser.
IQ option App for Mac and Windows
You can easily download IQ Option for Windows: Click the buttons below to get the file
IQ App Download for iOS and Android
>> IQ Option IOS
System Requirements
The operating system that you use will determine the technical requirements. Check that the IQ Option download works on your device. The desktop app works on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. MacOS users can use the desktop app with OS X 10.10 Yosemite, or any other newer OS version. For optimal performance, 2GB RAM is required. However, 4GB RAM is recommended. To run DirectX9 for Windows or OpenGL 2.0-friendly on macOS, you will need a video card. To download IQ Option for Windows, your hard drive must have 130Mb available space.
IQ Option to iOS and Android Requirements
You will need to have the IQ Option app installed on your Android 4.4 or iOS 9.0. The app won’t work on older OS versions. However, you can still trade with the IQ Option website in these cases. To run the app, your device must have at least 74.1Mb of free hard drive space.
Take a look at this quick overview of all instruments that are available to trade on IQ Option.